Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A break from resting...

Every once in a while I get curious as to why people visit my site. Since k-train is about the only one who comments on my blog I really have no clue other then checking out the referral page which basically shows what (weird and wonky thing) that people searched in order to pull up my site. More often then not it's some peculiar mish mash of phrases that google smushes together as a result for some especially odd search queries. One thing that's encouraging is the number of really odd search terms are far outweighed by fairly relevant ones, which is cool 'cause it implies that it might actually be useful for something. Here's a list of some from the last couple of weeks...(and no...none of them have beat "welsh gang bang" from the first year that I started this blog) So without further ado here is a list of randomly selected searches (excluding those searching for really boring stuff like...ykno...game results and such) in addition to my lovely commentary track:

mouth-guard pushups discipline (sometimes you just wonder what kinky crap people are looking for)
rugby and stereotypes(this came up a few times...maybe someone is writing a paper?)
how many times is a scrum won against the head(I don't know...how many licks does it take to finish a tootsie pop?)
chico davis(I'm glad my blog comes up SECOND when you search "chico davis"...this doesn't say anything about the area I swear)
hangover blackouts(so they checked a rugby blog...of course)
rugby hooker in college (woo +1 points)
Laura Cabrera rugby November 08 (*gasp* I might have included useful information for once)
rugby mmo(and I thought I was nerdy, someone apparently wants to go online and play rugby with people all over the world...instead of doing it in real life)
my cheekbone hurts(pobrecito! Ask a trainer not a hooker)
tina best alumni (?? It wouldn't be weird but it was searched in some Slavic version of google)
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN AN UNTOUCHED THROW-IN ENTERS THE THROWER'S GOAL FOR NEBRASKA (I don't know, sounds like soccer which means bzzzzzzzzt wrong sport)

Alright, this concludes my helpful little section...where all of your random ass questions can be answered...even if they are ridiculously off topic and I don't understand why you even clicked on my blog...

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