Friday, November 30, 2007

Wooohoo New Ranking For DII Collegiate Women's Rugby on Goff!

Damn...ykno I'm really sick of saying that mouthful...I mean shit it's almost like GLBTQQIA. Division Two Collegiate Women's Rugby. DII CWRugby....I mean that's shorter at least...suppose it wouldn't work if their is a CW rugby team. Really the whole club side thing is really confusing to explain to new players...with women's senior side I always end up abbreviating it as SS which just sounds wrong. Anyhoo enough rambling.......

Goff ranked us #5 in the nation and acknowledged the fact that we're in our preseason...which is cool. I just don't know where he's getting our record as 2-2. We won three games at slug fest and lost one. We won four games at scrum by the sea and lost one. And we lost to that's either 7-3 or 2-3 (if you're grouping our wins as single units) actually I just have no clue how it adds up. Either way I'm just really glad we're up there again, it just makes my heart light up a bit....I was getting a little worried because he hadn't updated in a while.


I'm FREAKING OUT! I have four odd essays plus two stories plus making myself available to my students and finals. Oh my god I have no idea how I'm going to do this I have no time for rugby and holy freaking A I don't know how howhowhwowhowhwowowowhowwhow I'm going to do this. Really. I'm not going to fail out of college my Senior year. That's just DUMB. Ykno I'll worry about jobs later. I'll worry about life LATER. This year is about surviving...I'm no smart driven yea screw ambition I just want to graduate. I have a WEEK one WEEK I don't write one paper in a week! AHHH.

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