Friday, August 25, 2006

Time to Smell that Smell Again...

for us forwards it's the sweet scent of mud and other packies, if you're a actually have time to smell the green grass and warmth of fall. It's rugby time again, summer sevens are all but over (barring a few tournaments like Santa Barbara 7s (this saturday) and SLO's Tritip Tournament (which you should go to if you're in the area on the 9th of Sept.), it's time to start looking forward to the new season!

Eh I guess it's time for me to introduce myself, names Kerrie, I'm relatively new to rugby, been playing for UC Santa Cruz (Div II Collegiate) for two years now and about a month for the Belmont Shore (Div I Senior Club). I'm a politics major with a major interest in web design and keeping the info flowing. Not the best writer though, so you'll have to bear with me.

I'm starting this blog because I'm a news starved net leech and frankly there just aren't enough sites that pool info about women's rugby. Blondie, from Saturday's A Rugby Day is my hero and Lee Knight's Blog is dang swell but the more the merrier eh? I guess it's my goal to get up close and personal news and info from collegiate teams to create not only a source of information but a community that understands just how cool that crossfield kick was. I know this is an ambitious project but I'm on the net anyways so might as well give it a try.

This blogs focus will be mostly Norcal stuff with SoCal news in the summers. I'll admit collegiate teams will be my primary speciality but it'll expand depending on what's going on. I'll try to integrate High School teams and women's clubs as well but California will probably be as broad as I can go for now. When relevant I will broaden the range to include opponents/rivals of local teams but that'll just depend on how interested people are in helping out.

Now I'm new at this so I don't exactly have a bunch of contacts, but I tend to be on the friendly side at socials so I'm not completely clueless. Either way I'll need your help to make this blog useful and relevent to YOU...which is the point really. So you should email me asap if you're interested in contributing or just participating in interviews or highlighting your team. Feel free to yell at me when I mess up dates, times, scores, names whatever. So it's don't abuse it or the black hats will frown upon you.

OH right on Oct 28th Stanford will be hosting its Annual 10s tournament at Steuber Stadium. Apply before Sept 30th and you'll save your side $25 in entry fees (pre 9/30 it's $175 a team and post it's $200).

Right well, I'm looking forward to my first Women's Sr. Side XV game this Sunday vs the Riverside Rattlers and subsequently Pumpkinfest 2006 Sept 9-10th. After that it's back to the slugs and my beautiful pack of hippie science nerds.

Well I gotta jet, I have to work tomorrow =p and then Sunday...oddly enough is a rugby day.

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