Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feeling nerdy!

Yea this post doesn't really have a point...we've got a match against stanford this sunday. Our scrum was creaking at practice but since I was out (and plenty of folks were chattering away with the forwards) I decided to watch the backs practice receiving kicks and counter-attacking. I think I'll be ready to practice by Thursday, my shoulder/neck feels alright. Luckily I don't have to play on Sunday..heh who recently beat St Mary's 126-0. Stanford also recently lost to the Davis Double Deckers 44-19 (not to be confused with UC Davis) a strong women's D1 senior club (but new to the scene). What else...oh I've been learning to program in small basic (a language developed to teach CHILDREN how to program...) and I've had a lot of fun with it. Not surprising my first program relates to rugby. Here's a screenshot of it.

Isn't it spiffy? Updates on the UCSC vs Stanford match to come. And hopefully I get a house I'm interviewing for!

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