Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So it's been a busy weekend/week

My mother visited me over the weekend and that was nice. We raised 422.50 panhandling the night before she came up. We've been fundraising all week, and scrambling in practice while trying to avoid the glares of our professors. So I already know that I suck at journalism but my broadcast journalism class is proving it. I did the tech part writing blows. This is going to be a tough class! Er in rugby news I want to bite the throat out of 'four corners', bury its cannibalized corpse, set the ground on fire, then drive a three foot stake in it. We did some rugby related drills today and it was frickin fun! I realized that my understanding of defense is completely instinctual and I need to learn some of the theory behind it.

Oh. And I'm just it a back thing? Why do people get so frickin antsy when you tap someone a wee bit too hard (in their judgment) in a touch drill? I've been bitched out well over my fair share of times for slapping rather then daintily caressing their fair and tender bodies (please note these are the same people who continue to pass out of the "tackle/endofthefrickindrill" if you don't smother the ball). It's just frickin obnoxious from a forwards perspective. I mean a back in a 2-1 or 3-2 drill might have the agility and speed to react to cuts and unexpected bursts with grace and a deft touch at the hips...but frankly my ass is just trying to get to you in time. *grumble* Look, I'm not saying backs aren't tough, open field tackles are brutal on the tackler and tacklee, but c'mon... I took three or four elbows to the throat today and you didn't hear me complaining. Ykno why? Cause it's going to happen in game, they weren't intentional, it just on!

On another note we leave for Florida tomorrow. I sure as hell hope they're ready. Back to sulfur water, swarthy hot days, and infamous nights!

(oh lastly I got a new hd that arrived today and I'm formating as we speak....weeee! I'm such a geek! 400 gb Seagate SATA for...99 bucks! Free shipping. Yehhhhh.
Wish us luck!

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